Inverclyde Now Logo NEW Hospice Development Gets Go-Ahead

1 June, 2017 | Planning


COUNCILLORS have approved Ardgowan Hospice’s plans to build a major new facility in Greenock to replace its two existing buildings.

The development will involve demolishing the existing hospice Access building and the neighbouring former Methodist Church in Ardgowan Street at Nelson Street and constructing a three/four-storey building.

Councillors on Inverclyde Planning Board today granted the application. Officials had recommended approval.

The proposed building will replace both Ardgowan Hospice premises — the nearby former eye infirmary on Nelson Street and the Access at Ardgowan building, which opened in 1999.

The new facility will contain an eight-bed hospice in-patient unit at third floor level. There will also be a café/sitting room, kitchen, office, clinical support accommodation, a clinic, dining room, boardroom, outpatient accommodation, physiotherapy room, staff room and an inset roof terrace.

A report by Inverclyde Council’s head of regeneration and planning Stuart Jamieson stated: “There are numerous instances of buildings of distinctive design along Nelson Street including (the former) St George’s North Church, the Sheriff Court, Westburn Church, and the Reporter to the Children’s Panel building.

“The individual design of the proposed building’s frontage to Nelson Street is another example of a distinctive design and is a modern interpretation of the wide variety in architectural styles along Nelson Street.”

It continued: “The applicant has advised that regulatory issues determine that the two buildings they presently operate from no longer meet their requirements and that, accordingly replacement accommodation combining their operations under one roof is required.

“The service provided by Ardgowan Hospice is much valued by Inverclyde’s community and I am satisfied that the consolidation of its operation in a new-build facility at this location has significant social benefits to the population.”

The current hospice in-patient bulding

Documents submitted with the application state: “The vision for the proposed scheme is one of a high quality, purpose-built bespoke development led by new modern architectural additions which sensitively respond to the existing built environment and which will help secure the future of the hospice within this area of Greenock.  

“Ardgowan Hospice are committed to delivering an outstanding development which realizes the potential of the site, creates a strong sense of place and reinforces the ongoing relationships with the town.”

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